Moving tо Minneapolis discussion
Neutral reviews
For those of you that love water, running or frozen, Minneapolis is the place for you. It has 20 lakes, pristine wetland and the mighty Mississippi running through it.
Chilly, long winters are endured through the friendliness of the people of Minneapolis. It’s a city that’s home to many Fortune 500 companies and is famous for its medical and tech research.
If you are considering moving to Minneapolis, the various costs listed below will help you make an informed decision on what costs are involved when moving and living on the prairie.
People generally move to a new city for work. While it is possible to move without a job, it makes sense to ensure there are jobs in your field before you make the move.
The city’s largest employer is Target which employs 10,000 people. Finance, trade, education, medical research, healthcare and service industries form the backbone of Minneapolis’ work force.
OK, let’s get this out of the way. Minneapolis is cold, snowy and dark in winter. It’s so cold the ice on the lakes get thick enough to accommodate ice fishing. If you’re not used to cold weather, it’s a good a idea to stock up on winter gear before moving to Minneapolis. And don’t forget to include an emergency kit in your vehicle.
Minneapolis and adjoining St. Paul form the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul, the largest urban area in the Midwest after Chicago and Detroit. Downtown Minneapolis is on the west bank of the Mississippi River, and the city layout is on the traditional grid system, with deviations around the river, and the city's lakes, creeks, and many parks.
Handily, Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport is right in the middle of the metro area so at least it's easy to get out of town. Delta, Airlines merged with the local carrier, Northwest Airlines, which is now re-branded as Delta and is the major carrier operating from MSP. Local budget airline Sun Country uses MSP, handy for cheap flights around the country.
Leo J. Bogee III, lives in Minneapolis,
I’m originally from San Diego and moved here in 1990 to attend the U of MN. Although I’ve had several opportunities to move to warmer places like Hawaii where my parents live, I love it here and probably will retire here.
I own two consulting businesses and having such a large community of inventors, entrepreneurs and hard workers makes it easier to find and create your own opportunities. There are so many positives living in the Twin Cities, but it all depends on where your at in your life and career journey. If your close to settling down and having kids, this state as a whole ranks high nationally for areas like STEM and Reading. If your looking for career advancement or starting your career path, there are 16 or 17 fortune 500 companies here, specifically United Health Group a top 6 company is desperate on finding talent and paying major dollars to recruit here.
The only major knock I give this area is the traffic, the secret has somehow got out that this is a great area to live, our roads are not equipped to handle this major influx or the city fell asleep the last 15 years. So prepare for major grid lock that ranks between a Dan Ryan express (Chicago) and H1 (Oahu) from 3pm to 6pm M-F.
Gina A, lives in Minneapolis
Be prepared to put in some work if you have no existing friends in MN. Minnesotans are very friendly, but then won't think to invite you to things with their friends outside of work, or will hang out once and not again. I suggest using Meetup or being persistent about hanging out, as I hear it's kind of tough for Minneapolis implants to find close friends.
Minnesotans tend to be be type of people with a few friends that they do everything with, rather than having a lot of acquaintances fill up their free time. Once you're considered a part of the group though, you're included forever!
Even though I was born-and-raised here, I love meeting new people. I tend to meet friends of friends, then keep up with those people as well, then meet the friends of -those- friends too. Never shut anyone out, even if you don't have much in common, as it's harder to have friends that are good people you can also rely on as you get older (as a general trend everywhere; I'm 33).
Susan Hilde, lived in Minneapolis,
Minneapolis has many people with their roots in Northern Europe. They come from a culture that is very “stiff upper lip, self controlled, polite, keep up appearances.” We are called “Minnesota Nice” - much emphasis on looking courteous and likable. For a person coming from areas where people are direct, blunt, straightforward, Minnesotans will appear passive - aggressive and frustrating to deal with. There is an old saying “New Yorkers are cement covered marshmallows and Minnesotans are marshmallow covered cement”. Some transplants love the “Minnesota Nice” and other transplants dislike the two faced facade. That being said, the city has become a lot more diverse in the past couple of decades and people now show different ways of communicating. Also, the winters are brutal. November through March, people talk about the weather every day. So, get used to that, lol.
When moving to Minneapolis, one of the things you need to know about are the tax policies. Minnesota has what is called a progressive tax income system. What this means, however, is that there are also marginal rates that are some of the highest in the United States. If you earn quite a bit, you might be in for a surprise. This is especially true if you are moving to Minneapolis from a no-income-tax state.
Minneapolis also has a couple of local taxes on some goods categories, as well as services. You can check them out if you follow the link.
When compared to the other metro areas in the United States, moving to Minneapolis will hurt your wallet less. The home prices here are relatively cheaper, especially if you are opting to buy instead of rent. In addition to this, both the government and some of the local non-profit organizations have various programs to help low-income and middle-income households when they wish to own a home. This is all with a goal of keeping the city’s stock of affordable housing alive.
And if you are an artist, then you might be in luck. Minneapolis has many incentives for low-cost housing for artists. They do this through tax credits and city loans, with the goal of boosting the city’s culture output. So, an artist moving to Minneapolis should look into these programs, because they offer lofts that may be perfect for you.
Suze S.
there's a reason most Minnesotans drive Fords/Chevys and the overwhelming majority are all wheel drive. You'll see more compact SUVs here than anywhere else. Load down some weight in the rear, if you can, in the winter. Roads are well maintained- but realize that part of the maintenance process involves sand and salt. Let me repeat- this is ROUTINE maintenance. We PUT salt and sand on the roads on purpose! Cars that have to worry about dings in the paint or rust do not get driven in the winter here. They are stored in the garage until after the sweeper crews come through in the spring. Not trying to discourage you- but my husband is car-crazy and has owned several cars that would be daily drivers in California, but can only be driven 6 months out of the year here, because he's so anal about getting salt/sand/slush on them. Plus, it really is easier to not have RWD here when there's ice on the roads.
Hey. I just moved to Minneapolis from Denver 2 months ago. We used to live over on 21st and York in City Park West and loved it. Minneapolis is amazing. We also moved here for family and are closing soon on a house in Fulton. Public schools are way better here than Denver (higher taxes), so that's nice. You'll find maybe can replace Mtns with Lakes. Housing market is nuts here, but not as nuts as Denver, so you'll be able to take that sweet sweet Denver equity and overbid on a home here. How old are your kids / what kind of work do you and your wife do? Feel free to DM me.
As for the poor walkability of Minneapolis have you considered a bike? I visited Denver with my bike that city sucks to bike around. In Minneapolis almost everything is accessible with a bike. Using a bike with a rack set up can get you far here. My girlfriend grocery shops via bike.
You can get around in Minneapolis without a car, but you'll have to live near the University of Minnesota or Uptown/Calhoun area. The North Loop is growing very rapidly, but still is lacking in public transit. But if you don't mind walking a bit to get to the buses and trains, you'll be fine.
Positive reviews
Darla Ostenson, lived in Minneapolis
I was born and raised in Minneapolis and lived there 30 years. I'm also an introvert, extremely sensitive to cold, and love being outdoors. I'm telling you this first to give you the bittersweet lens through which I view my hometown.
Life is generally good there. There is an extensive, high-quality network of parks, bike and walking trails, and lakes. Public services are exemplary and unique and diverse shopping and gustatory experiences abound. The schools are generally rated pretty highly - I didn't put much stock in that until I talked to people who attended public schools in other places.
That said, I, a “native” to the area, never found “my tribe”. I found “"Minnesota Nice” to be more like “"Minnesota Passive-Aggressive”. Now living in Florida, I tell people the folks back home are as cold and unyielding as the ice in January - and if you've never driven on “black ice”, that is a treachery you'll come to dread.
I recommend the city to liberal- and progressive-minded loners or extreme extroverts, to families with children, to those who can tolerate cold well, to those with strong backs for shoveling, to those who don't mind the idea of being holed up indoors for weeks or months so long as there is a fireplace.
If you’re introverted but still want *some* company … this is not your city.
Thomas S.
I'm excited to move back to Minneapolis. Been gone 25 years and am returning this November to closer to family and open a business. I"ll be temporarily settled in the suburbs but am gunning to live by Lake Calhoun. I was in Minneapolis this August for a month a really got a feel for the neighborhoods I loved. I lived downtown in Symphony Place so, been there done that! Looking forward to the awesome lakes of Minnesota!
Daniel A.
Minneapolis is generally a safe city if you adhere to common sense.
Concur with the voices for Uptown.
Will highly recommend Loring Park area - rent for the cheap to save money. Make friends and then ultimately decide for yourself, what neighborhood is best.
Neutral reviews
For those of you that love water, running or frozen, Minneapolis is the place for you. It has 20 lakes, pristine wetland and the mighty Mississippi running through it.
Chilly, long winters are endured through the friendliness of the people of Minneapolis. It’s a city that’s home to many Fortune 500 companies and is famous for its medical and tech research.
If you are considering moving to Minneapolis, the various costs listed below will help you make an informed decision on what costs are involved when moving and living on the prairie.
People generally move to a new city for work. While it is possible to move without a job, it makes sense to ensure there are jobs in your field before you make the move.
The city’s largest employer is Target which employs 10,000 people. Finance, trade, education, medical research, healthcare and service industries form the backbone of Minneapolis’ work force.
OK, let’s get this out of the way. Minneapolis is cold, snowy and dark in winter. It’s so cold the ice on the lakes get thick enough to accommodate ice fishing. If you’re not used to cold weather, it’s a good a idea to stock up on winter gear before moving to Minneapolis. And don’t forget to include an emergency kit in your vehicle.
Minneapolis and adjoining St. Paul form the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul, the largest urban area in the Midwest after Chicago and Detroit. Downtown Minneapolis is on the west bank of the Mississippi River, and the city layout is on the traditional grid system, with deviations around the river, and the city's lakes, creeks, and many parks.
Handily, Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport is right in the middle of the metro area so at least it's easy to get out of town. Delta, Airlines merged with the local carrier, Northwest Airlines, which is now re-branded as Delta and is the major carrier operating from MSP. Local budget airline Sun Country uses MSP, handy for cheap flights around the country.
Leo J. Bogee III, lives in Minneapolis,
I’m originally from San Diego and moved here in 1990 to attend the U of MN. Although I’ve had several opportunities to move to warmer places like Hawaii where my parents live, I love it here and probably will retire here.
I own two consulting businesses and having such a large community of inventors, entrepreneurs and hard workers makes it easier to find and create your own opportunities. There are so many positives living in the Twin Cities, but it all depends on where your at in your life and career journey. If your close to settling down and having kids, this state as a whole ranks high nationally for areas like STEM and Reading. If your looking for career advancement or starting your career path, there are 16 or 17 fortune 500 companies here, specifically United Health Group a top 6 company is desperate on finding talent and paying major dollars to recruit here.
The only major knock I give this area is the traffic, the secret has somehow got out that this is a great area to live, our roads are not equipped to handle this major influx or the city fell asleep the last 15 years. So prepare for major grid lock that ranks between a Dan Ryan express (Chicago) and H1 (Oahu) from 3pm to 6pm M-F.
Gina A, lives in Minneapolis
Be prepared to put in some work if you have no existing friends in MN. Minnesotans are very friendly, but then won't think to invite you to things with their friends outside of work, or will hang out once and not again. I suggest using Meetup or being persistent about hanging out, as I hear it's kind of tough for Minneapolis implants to find close friends.
Minnesotans tend to be be type of people with a few friends that they do everything with, rather than having a lot of acquaintances fill up their free time. Once you're considered a part of the group though, you're included forever!
Even though I was born-and-raised here, I love meeting new people. I tend to meet friends of friends, then keep up with those people as well, then meet the friends of -those- friends too. Never shut anyone out, even if you don't have much in common, as it's harder to have friends that are good people you can also rely on as you get older (as a general trend everywhere; I'm 33).
Susan Hilde, lived in Minneapolis,
Minneapolis has many people with their roots in Northern Europe. They come from a culture that is very “stiff upper lip, self controlled, polite, keep up appearances.” We are called “Minnesota Nice” - much emphasis on looking courteous and likable. For a person coming from areas where people are direct, blunt, straightforward, Minnesotans will appear passive - aggressive and frustrating to deal with. There is an old saying “New Yorkers are cement covered marshmallows and Minnesotans are marshmallow covered cement”. Some transplants love the “Minnesota Nice” and other transplants dislike the two faced facade. That being said, the city has become a lot more diverse in the past couple of decades and people now show different ways of communicating. Also, the winters are brutal. November through March, people talk about the weather every day. So, get used to that, lol.
When moving to Minneapolis, one of the things you need to know about are the tax policies. Minnesota has what is called a progressive tax income system. What this means, however, is that there are also marginal rates that are some of the highest in the United States. If you earn quite a bit, you might be in for a surprise. This is especially true if you are moving to Minneapolis from a no-income-tax state.
Minneapolis also has a couple of local taxes on some goods categories, as well as services. You can check them out if you follow the link.
When compared to the other metro areas in the United States, moving to Minneapolis will hurt your wallet less. The home prices here are relatively cheaper, especially if you are opting to buy instead of rent. In addition to this, both the government and some of the local non-profit organizations have various programs to help low-income and middle-income households when they wish to own a home. This is all with a goal of keeping the city’s stock of affordable housing alive.
And if you are an artist, then you might be in luck. Minneapolis has many incentives for low-cost housing for artists. They do this through tax credits and city loans, with the goal of boosting the city’s culture output. So, an artist moving to Minneapolis should look into these programs, because they offer lofts that may be perfect for you.
Suze S.
there's a reason most Minnesotans drive Fords/Chevys and the overwhelming majority are all wheel drive. You'll see more compact SUVs here than anywhere else. Load down some weight in the rear, if you can, in the winter. Roads are well maintained- but realize that part of the maintenance process involves sand and salt. Let me repeat- this is ROUTINE maintenance. We PUT salt and sand on the roads on purpose! Cars that have to worry about dings in the paint or rust do not get driven in the winter here. They are stored in the garage until after the sweeper crews come through in the spring. Not trying to discourage you- but my husband is car-crazy and has owned several cars that would be daily drivers in California, but can only be driven 6 months out of the year here, because he's so anal about getting salt/sand/slush on them. Plus, it really is easier to not have RWD here when there's ice on the roads.
Hey. I just moved to Minneapolis from Denver 2 months ago. We used to live over on 21st and York in City Park West and loved it. Minneapolis is amazing. We also moved here for family and are closing soon on a house in Fulton. Public schools are way better here than Denver (higher taxes), so that's nice. You'll find maybe can replace Mtns with Lakes. Housing market is nuts here, but not as nuts as Denver, so you'll be able to take that sweet sweet Denver equity and overbid on a home here. How old are your kids / what kind of work do you and your wife do? Feel free to DM me.
As for the poor walkability of Minneapolis have you considered a bike? I visited Denver with my bike that city sucks to bike around. In Minneapolis almost everything is accessible with a bike. Using a bike with a rack set up can get you far here. My girlfriend grocery shops via bike.
You can get around in Minneapolis without a car, but you'll have to live near the University of Minnesota or Uptown/Calhoun area. The North Loop is growing very rapidly, but still is lacking in public transit. But if you don't mind walking a bit to get to the buses and trains, you'll be fine.
Positive reviews
Darla Ostenson, lived in Minneapolis
I was born and raised in Minneapolis and lived there 30 years. I'm also an introvert, extremely sensitive to cold, and love being outdoors. I'm telling you this first to give you the bittersweet lens through which I view my hometown.
Life is generally good there. There is an extensive, high-quality network of parks, bike and walking trails, and lakes. Public services are exemplary and unique and diverse shopping and gustatory experiences abound. The schools are generally rated pretty highly - I didn't put much stock in that until I talked to people who attended public schools in other places.
That said, I, a “native” to the area, never found “my tribe”. I found “"Minnesota Nice” to be more like “"Minnesota Passive-Aggressive”. Now living in Florida, I tell people the folks back home are as cold and unyielding as the ice in January - and if you've never driven on “black ice”, that is a treachery you'll come to dread.
I recommend the city to liberal- and progressive-minded loners or extreme extroverts, to families with children, to those who can tolerate cold well, to those with strong backs for shoveling, to those who don't mind the idea of being holed up indoors for weeks or months so long as there is a fireplace.
If you’re introverted but still want *some* company … this is not your city.
Thomas S.
I'm excited to move back to Minneapolis. Been gone 25 years and am returning this November to closer to family and open a business. I"ll be temporarily settled in the suburbs but am gunning to live by Lake Calhoun. I was in Minneapolis this August for a month a really got a feel for the neighborhoods I loved. I lived downtown in Symphony Place so, been there done that! Looking forward to the awesome lakes of Minnesota!
Daniel A.
Minneapolis is generally a safe city if you adhere to common sense.
Concur with the voices for Uptown.
Will highly recommend Loring Park area - rent for the cheap to save money. Make friends and then ultimately decide for yourself, what neighborhood is best.