Moving to Memphis discussion
Negative reviews
Listen to the naysayers - WE KNOW! The other people who will talk up Memphis simply want you to be miserable - like them! I am serious! I am from Memphis, born and raised in a lovely Midtown area - upper class - in 1964, and moved to Southern California in 1990. I have lived there ever since. Only back in Mtown to sell my childhood home and settle the estate of my late beloved Mother with my elder Sister. Memphis is crime-ridden, depressing, and very backward in every way. It was lovely to grow up here - but it's gone to hell in a handbasket fast, unfortunately. You don't even feel safe anywhere - really! And everyone here will try to tell you "Germantown is safe!" LOL nope, there were a record 5 - yes five - home invasion robberies there in one day very recently - like a couple of months ago! So forget about any safe areas - there truly aren't any. Put your money into a better, safer place for your life. The schools SUCK TOO. My daughter attended a memphis school and was bullied incessantly by two girls - the guidance counselor there told my daughter (to my face and to hers) in her office that "we are raising a generation of weenies" and that she should stand up for herself. I told the school board, but I know they didn't do a thing about it. I immediately removed her from the school and sent her back to a wonderful California school with her Dad . I can't wait to get back to California. I will kiss the ground.
Emily Sudbury
DON’T!!!!! Memphis is awful. The people could care less about you, the school system is an absolute joke, and there’s no longer any safe places to live. I used to live in East Memphis, in a “good” neighborhood by Richland Elementary and White Station Middle School. There was a shoot out on McDermitt St. two years ago, and my mom’s car got broken into. Neighbors were reporting break-ins left and right. My younger sister’s bike was stolen no less than 5 times. The only good thing there is the Mexican food, Central BBQ and the water.
David Perdue
Memphis is routinely near the top of lists about high crime rate, murder and violent crime.
Public school system is pitiful.
City Government is always fighting internally.
Hot and humid. I remember the winters being a lot of slush and ice storms.
Then there is the yearly flooding of the Wolf River.
I grew up there and moved away at 18. I don't miss it.
If you have a choice, there are better places.
I moved here from Chicago 7 years ago, and nothing about memphis ever really clicked for me. I go through spurts of being apathetic toward being in this city to wanting to leave every minute of every day. Part of that stems from my job situation - there is not a lot of opportunity in this city in my line of work. That would be my recommendation first and foremost, is to be sure the jobs are there before you do anything. For me personally, if I want any chance of ever progressing, I will need to leave the city. I'm considering making a move back to Chicago just to pursue better opportunities that I don't have here.
Neutral reviews
Carrie Crow
I am in the process of investigating the Memphis area as we are planning for a move. There are a lot of great communities in the Memphis metro area.
Collierville is a nice area. We have friends who live there and have sent their kids to school there. They are well pleased with the area. We are also investigating the northern part of Mississippi ie Southaven, Olive Branch, Horn Lake. Like most Metropolitan areas there are areas that have a higher crime rate and areas that are great living. If you would like to chat more, my email is I have a close friend who is a Realtor, if you would like her info I would be happy to give as well. Good luck!
p.s. cost of living is pretty good.
Unlike some American cities, Memphis gives its residents a real taste of the four seasons. Summers are hot and sticky with temperatures rising into the 90’s while winters are chilly and wet, though relatively short. Spring is beautiful and mildly warm with April being typically rainy but not cold. From May on the sun is usually out, just in time for the city’s annual festivities. Autumn is mostly dry and warm, with lots of sales, deals and discounts (okay, that may not have much to do with the weather but who doesn’t like a nice deal?)
Terry Washington
Try to move close to midtown or deep in East Memphis. Keep to yourself and don't be quick to make friends. Some of the people out here are very treacherous and dangerous. Watch your kids. Don't let them go anywhere without you knowing. Watch who they hang with and make sure they have a curfew because, it's more dangerous at night than it is in the day. Lastly, Mind Yo Business And Keep To Yourself. DON'T TRUST NO ONE BUT THOSE WHO ARE CLOSE TO YOU.
Good luck with the move.
Joey Anderson
Same as moving anywhere else. There are bad things and good things, bad people and good people etc. It is what you make it.
The thing to know about Memphis is that while it may technically be in Tennessee, it spends most of its time being the secret capital of North Mississippi.
I came to Memphis from the Midwest. A lot of people I know who grew up here can't wait to get away, but I think that's a common attitude of any twenty-something regarding their hometown. If you live any place long enough, you start to take the good for granted and only see what's left. I love it here. Yes, there are bad neighborhoods, but I was surprised by how genuinely kind most people are. Memphis is not economically booming, and I think to enjoy it here you have to be strongly passionate about something. As evidence of that theory, our arts and music scene is incredible. And I'm not just talking about the blues bands you can find on Beale. Catch a free show at the Levitt Shell, browse local albums at Goner Records, or watch a performance at the Playhouse.
Of course, it ain't all roses. But Memphis has a lot of great things to offer, and a lot of people drastically undersell it. I do really enjoy living in this city.
We just moved down to the Memphis area in September, from Grand Rapids. We settled in Southaven, MS, for a rental, until we find where we want to purchase.
I've found a lot of people here who just can't wait to get away. They talk about the problems. They complain about the fixes (or lack thereof). They talk about other cities, like they don't have similar problems.
I've found just as many people who want to be here. They want to be part of the solution. They want to be active in fixing the problems that plague this town. And are putting together programs and foundations to try to help aid the city.
Cost of living wise, while the cost of living estimators indicate that things are comparable, groceries are more expensive. Our bill, for a family of 3, has increased about 20%.
Hah! I'm from Memphis and have been living in the Pittsburgh area for the past year. I'm heading down to Memphis again in a few days. I see similarities in the two cities as well, and I hope Memphis has the kind of revitalization that Pittsburgh has had recently. I think Memphis' Midtown and Downtown areas are getting a lot better, hopefully the rest of the city follows suit.
I'm soooo ready to not have to deal with this cold and snow. While I enjoyed skiing for the first time in 13 years, I am horrible at dressing for the cold.
Positive reviews
Grant Oster
Because of the rising household income and a lower cost of living, you can afford a house if you move here. The rates are more affordable than renting. So if Memphis is where you are thinking about making your home, fiscally, it’s a great place to start.
J Lo
I loved Memphis! Arkansas is literally over the bridge - great camping and tourist sites. My kids were educated for four years in the Memphis schools and all the teachers were top notch. We had so many activities that made learning fun! The science fairs, history days, etc.
The prep atmosphere was great! I even substituted for the MBOE. I was impressed with the entire district.
for more info go to:
Scroll through - you'll love this site for all the information but there is also a message board for those thinking of moving or new to the area!
Pam Ray
We moved here 5 years ago from Chicago. Advice:
As in any city, learn about the neighborhoods. Good advice is to read the Commercial Appeal and check out the weekly free Memphis Flyer.
Embrace the city and don't listen to the negative press! It is a warm inviting town with caring people! We have problems but so does every town.
If you are someone who attends church, join a parish right away! Number one question I received when I moved here was “"what church do you go to?”
There is so much to do here and more and more being added. Ask people here for advice on what to see or where to eat and they will take you under their wing!
just have fun and enjoy your move! Welcome to the bluff city!
I've been in Memphis for 6 months (from small-town Iowa), and I have to echo what others have said. I love this city like a mother loves a problem child. Yes there's crime and poverty, and those things have to be taken seriously. The city council is a joke. People are taking it on themselves to fix it up the best they can, in spite of what the city itself hasn't done. Tons of room for improvement, and that can only happen with positive, proactive people living here. The food and entertainment and people are amazing. I'll be living here for a while.

Negative reviews
Listen to the naysayers - WE KNOW! The other people who will talk up Memphis simply want you to be miserable - like them! I am serious! I am from Memphis, born and raised in a lovely Midtown area - upper class - in 1964, and moved to Southern California in 1990. I have lived there ever since. Only back in Mtown to sell my childhood home and settle the estate of my late beloved Mother with my elder Sister. Memphis is crime-ridden, depressing, and very backward in every way. It was lovely to grow up here - but it's gone to hell in a handbasket fast, unfortunately. You don't even feel safe anywhere - really! And everyone here will try to tell you "Germantown is safe!" LOL nope, there were a record 5 - yes five - home invasion robberies there in one day very recently - like a couple of months ago! So forget about any safe areas - there truly aren't any. Put your money into a better, safer place for your life. The schools SUCK TOO. My daughter attended a memphis school and was bullied incessantly by two girls - the guidance counselor there told my daughter (to my face and to hers) in her office that "we are raising a generation of weenies" and that she should stand up for herself. I told the school board, but I know they didn't do a thing about it. I immediately removed her from the school and sent her back to a wonderful California school with her Dad . I can't wait to get back to California. I will kiss the ground.
Emily Sudbury
DON’T!!!!! Memphis is awful. The people could care less about you, the school system is an absolute joke, and there’s no longer any safe places to live. I used to live in East Memphis, in a “good” neighborhood by Richland Elementary and White Station Middle School. There was a shoot out on McDermitt St. two years ago, and my mom’s car got broken into. Neighbors were reporting break-ins left and right. My younger sister’s bike was stolen no less than 5 times. The only good thing there is the Mexican food, Central BBQ and the water.
David Perdue
Memphis is routinely near the top of lists about high crime rate, murder and violent crime.
Public school system is pitiful.
City Government is always fighting internally.
Hot and humid. I remember the winters being a lot of slush and ice storms.
Then there is the yearly flooding of the Wolf River.
I grew up there and moved away at 18. I don't miss it.
If you have a choice, there are better places.
I moved here from Chicago 7 years ago, and nothing about memphis ever really clicked for me. I go through spurts of being apathetic toward being in this city to wanting to leave every minute of every day. Part of that stems from my job situation - there is not a lot of opportunity in this city in my line of work. That would be my recommendation first and foremost, is to be sure the jobs are there before you do anything. For me personally, if I want any chance of ever progressing, I will need to leave the city. I'm considering making a move back to Chicago just to pursue better opportunities that I don't have here.
Neutral reviews
Carrie Crow
I am in the process of investigating the Memphis area as we are planning for a move. There are a lot of great communities in the Memphis metro area.
Collierville is a nice area. We have friends who live there and have sent their kids to school there. They are well pleased with the area. We are also investigating the northern part of Mississippi ie Southaven, Olive Branch, Horn Lake. Like most Metropolitan areas there are areas that have a higher crime rate and areas that are great living. If you would like to chat more, my email is I have a close friend who is a Realtor, if you would like her info I would be happy to give as well. Good luck!
p.s. cost of living is pretty good.
Unlike some American cities, Memphis gives its residents a real taste of the four seasons. Summers are hot and sticky with temperatures rising into the 90’s while winters are chilly and wet, though relatively short. Spring is beautiful and mildly warm with April being typically rainy but not cold. From May on the sun is usually out, just in time for the city’s annual festivities. Autumn is mostly dry and warm, with lots of sales, deals and discounts (okay, that may not have much to do with the weather but who doesn’t like a nice deal?)
Terry Washington
Try to move close to midtown or deep in East Memphis. Keep to yourself and don't be quick to make friends. Some of the people out here are very treacherous and dangerous. Watch your kids. Don't let them go anywhere without you knowing. Watch who they hang with and make sure they have a curfew because, it's more dangerous at night than it is in the day. Lastly, Mind Yo Business And Keep To Yourself. DON'T TRUST NO ONE BUT THOSE WHO ARE CLOSE TO YOU.
Good luck with the move.
Joey Anderson
Same as moving anywhere else. There are bad things and good things, bad people and good people etc. It is what you make it.
The thing to know about Memphis is that while it may technically be in Tennessee, it spends most of its time being the secret capital of North Mississippi.
I came to Memphis from the Midwest. A lot of people I know who grew up here can't wait to get away, but I think that's a common attitude of any twenty-something regarding their hometown. If you live any place long enough, you start to take the good for granted and only see what's left. I love it here. Yes, there are bad neighborhoods, but I was surprised by how genuinely kind most people are. Memphis is not economically booming, and I think to enjoy it here you have to be strongly passionate about something. As evidence of that theory, our arts and music scene is incredible. And I'm not just talking about the blues bands you can find on Beale. Catch a free show at the Levitt Shell, browse local albums at Goner Records, or watch a performance at the Playhouse.
Of course, it ain't all roses. But Memphis has a lot of great things to offer, and a lot of people drastically undersell it. I do really enjoy living in this city.
We just moved down to the Memphis area in September, from Grand Rapids. We settled in Southaven, MS, for a rental, until we find where we want to purchase.
I've found a lot of people here who just can't wait to get away. They talk about the problems. They complain about the fixes (or lack thereof). They talk about other cities, like they don't have similar problems.
I've found just as many people who want to be here. They want to be part of the solution. They want to be active in fixing the problems that plague this town. And are putting together programs and foundations to try to help aid the city.
Cost of living wise, while the cost of living estimators indicate that things are comparable, groceries are more expensive. Our bill, for a family of 3, has increased about 20%.
Hah! I'm from Memphis and have been living in the Pittsburgh area for the past year. I'm heading down to Memphis again in a few days. I see similarities in the two cities as well, and I hope Memphis has the kind of revitalization that Pittsburgh has had recently. I think Memphis' Midtown and Downtown areas are getting a lot better, hopefully the rest of the city follows suit.
I'm soooo ready to not have to deal with this cold and snow. While I enjoyed skiing for the first time in 13 years, I am horrible at dressing for the cold.
Positive reviews
Grant Oster
Because of the rising household income and a lower cost of living, you can afford a house if you move here. The rates are more affordable than renting. So if Memphis is where you are thinking about making your home, fiscally, it’s a great place to start.
J Lo
I loved Memphis! Arkansas is literally over the bridge - great camping and tourist sites. My kids were educated for four years in the Memphis schools and all the teachers were top notch. We had so many activities that made learning fun! The science fairs, history days, etc.
The prep atmosphere was great! I even substituted for the MBOE. I was impressed with the entire district.
for more info go to:
Scroll through - you'll love this site for all the information but there is also a message board for those thinking of moving or new to the area!
Pam Ray
We moved here 5 years ago from Chicago. Advice:
As in any city, learn about the neighborhoods. Good advice is to read the Commercial Appeal and check out the weekly free Memphis Flyer.
Embrace the city and don't listen to the negative press! It is a warm inviting town with caring people! We have problems but so does every town.
If you are someone who attends church, join a parish right away! Number one question I received when I moved here was “"what church do you go to?”
There is so much to do here and more and more being added. Ask people here for advice on what to see or where to eat and they will take you under their wing!
just have fun and enjoy your move! Welcome to the bluff city!
I've been in Memphis for 6 months (from small-town Iowa), and I have to echo what others have said. I love this city like a mother loves a problem child. Yes there's crime and poverty, and those things have to be taken seriously. The city council is a joke. People are taking it on themselves to fix it up the best they can, in spite of what the city itself hasn't done. Tons of room for improvement, and that can only happen with positive, proactive people living here. The food and entertainment and people are amazing. I'll be living here for a while.