English Springer Spaniel review
Neutral reviews
This high-spirited tail-wagger needs at least one long vigorous run every day. Without exercise an English Springer Spaniel can be a boisterous handful, especially when young.
His opinion of strangers varies from friendly to reserved. Most are good watchdogs, but not guardians.
Coat care is a big responsibility when you own a Springer. Especially an individual from show lines, since these dogs tend to have heavy coats with lots of feathering. Just think of all the mats and tangles that can form! You ward those off by catching them early, with weekly brushing and combing. Every couple of months, you (or a groomer) need to trim and clip the coat to keep it neat and sanitary.
Springers usually do well with children if they are brought up with them from puppyhood. Older Springers who are unfamiliar with children may do best in a home with children who are mature enough to interact with them appropriately.
Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children to prevent any biting or ear or tail pulling on the part of either party. Teach your child never to approach any dog while he's eating or to try to take the dog's food away. No dog should ever be left unsupervised with a child.
Springers are also generally good with other pets in the household, even small ones, but they might see pet birds as prey since those are what they are bred to hunt. Keep them separated so they don't hurt each other. A parrot's beak is a mighty weapon.
Mark Anthony
I have had my 8 week old Springer for a week now. he is learning very fast, got him potty trained in 3 days, by constantly walking him to the back door, now he does it himself. He either goes straight out if the door is open, but stands by the back door and yaps when it is shut. He is very social, both around adults and small children, my Grandchildren have been hugging and petting him with no problems, he likes their shoe laces and zippers on coats . Just started leash training around the house for when he is able to go out in 3 weeks (he needs his 2nd injections yet). he is going to be a pet, but will also learn skills "out in the field" as I do a lot of hill walking and camping in a tent in the local forests. First time I have had a puppy, as my old Springer (30 years ago) was an older dog when he came to me as I re-homed him with me from a pound, no one wanted him as he was older, but I took a shine to him and he was my best buddy for a few years.
snotie007 bits
Springer rage happens if you bad genes get from a good breeder you fine
The vast majority of English Springer Spaniels are calm, even-tempered, and gentle. They are sociable, outstanding with children, and intelligent. They are playful, quick to learn, and they are obedient and responsive to commands. They are courageous and cheerful, and they love to wag their tails. This breed generally loves everyone, and they are happiest when they are spending the majority of their time in the company of people. If neglected or confined, this breed can become bored and mischievous. Because they love water so much, they enjoy getting wet and muddy. With the exception of birds, the English Springer Spaniel is usually good with other dogs and animals. They are sometimes aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex. As with other popular dog breeds, subtleties in temperament will vary from specimen to specimen.
The English Springer Spaniel is the founder of all English hunting spaniel breeds. Throughout the Renaissance, these dogs were considered to be the hunting companion of choice by the Europeans. The extreme popularity of this breed started in 1700. The English Springer Spaniel acquired its name from the process by which it flushes game- they are known to “spring” forward to drive birds away from their hiding places. In addition to being a top-notch hunter, this breed is also an outstanding retriever. The English Springer Spaniel has a number of natural abilities including hunting, retrieving, tracking, competitive obedience, watching, agility, and trick-performing
The English Springer Spaniel is content to live in a small household or apartment if it receives plenty of daily exercise. This breed is adjustable and is able to adapt to life in the city. They are comparatively inactive indoors, and they are happiest with at least an average-sized yard. The English Springer Spaniel will happily accept any amount of physical activity that is offered by its owner(s). They enjoy going for long walks and they love to swim and retrieve. This breed needs a lot of exercise to stay mentally and physically fit.
The English Springer Spaniel is a breed of gun dog in the Spaniel family. The Springer’s long ears, soft expression and happy disposition clearly show him to be a member of the ancient family of spaniels. Bred to work closely with humans, Springers are highly trainable people-pleasers. Springers are good with kids and their fellow mammals.
I've had 2 both super easier to train. One was an avid hunting dog (birds only) and the other was a trained service dog. They are stubborn but I got one as a rescue at a bit over a year and became a mighty hunter and one from 13 weeks he became a service dog but also did agility and retrieving ducks. From my experience they do not like to be left alone for long periods especially as they age. If I didnt have a foster fail I would have gotten another and plan to in the future they are my favorite breed.
I have had three springers, my last two being Flyball dogs. They absolutely have to have a job. No doubt. They are bred to be hunting dogs and they have very high prey drive and you will not train that out of them.
That being said, I have found them all to be very trainable. They are smart and bred to make decisions — hence the hunt and retrieve. Seriously, my dogs know how to open doors and generally get at whatever they want. Not much stops them, except significant training. I have a baby gate that they know they are never ever allowed to jump over. They absolutely respect that, but I have seen them do just about everything else to get around the gate. They are very loyal, but my youngest can easily clear a 4 foot jump. I have had to teach her to respect boundaries. It wouldn’t take much for her to jump over a 6 foot fence...
They are great and active dogs, and I have dabbled in agility and dock diving with them. (Flyball just happens to be my favorite). I think they are great for training for dog sports. My next puppy will probably be another field Springer spaniel, and I will no doubt be doing more dog sports.
My favorite is that they are loyal and Velcro dogs. I always have an audience, and a cuddle buddy. They are great dogs, just a little crazy/drivey.
Hope that helps!!!
Edit to add: there is bench and field varieties. My two dog sport competing dogs are field, my first was bench. Field varieties tend to be higher in energy. My next will likely be a field Springer, as they have the drive I am looking for.
On my second springer, both females. We did beginner and intermediate obedience with our current girl no problem. In fact, she was the only dog that graduated in her beginner class (but I didn’t tell her that so she won’t get a big head). I did some basic agility training in our backyard with her on my own and she picked it up quickly.
I second the other posters who stress the need for them to be active or have a “job.” We run with ours (longest distance she’s done is 12 miles) and it keeps her happy.
And the puddle thing. These are water dogs for sure!
I’ve had four springer spaniels in my lifetime and they all have been different but one thing they all had in common was energy. We had one we used to snowmobile with and he would chase us for miles and miles. Same thing with the most recent one and boating. And they all have loved to swim! If you are a person who can expose them to different seasons and experiences from early on...they would thrive with you. That being said, just because they have high energy doesn’t mean they are hard to train. Quite the opposite considering they are so spunky. They truly are a breed that aims to please in my experience.
Positive reviews
Strawberry Shrtcke
I've had my English Springer Spaniel, Lexie for 15 years now, she's honestly one of the best dogs I've ever had the pleasure to know/be with. She's very intune with my father's emotions (he's retired navy) and overall is a good girl, playful, healthy and always smiling. Somethings I heard in your review didn't make sense to me. We've also recently gotten a puppy,who is now almost a year old, he's a Saint Bernard,Great Pyrenees mix,also a huge sweetheart. Lexie didn't really react badly to him, she was just confused and a bit annoyed for about a week, but never territorial. Although, all dogs, even the same breed are unique in their own way. Just thought I'd share my experience!
I have a 3 year old Springer. I’m 27 years old and grew up duck hunting. But always with labs. I turned 24 had a little change in my pocket and wanted to change it up. So I found a breed and bought a male springer. By God if that isn’t the best damn hunting dog I’ve ever owned. He was a bit stubborn when it came to sitting and waiting for the duck to be killed. But after 5 days of teaching him to wait, he was a pro. Easier to train, smarter, better looking, and more drive than any lab I’ve hunted with.
One thing though. I don’t know if it’s just my Dakota but he has to constantly be stimulated. He can’t just sit around. He has to be doing something or have something in his mouth. He won’t go to sleep unless I lay down in my bed and turn the lights off. He’s on right leg every step I take. And I mean EVERYWHERE. The guy will jump into the shower with me if I do not shut the door. But I love my buddy. Wouldn’t trade him in for anything.
Neutral reviews
This high-spirited tail-wagger needs at least one long vigorous run every day. Without exercise an English Springer Spaniel can be a boisterous handful, especially when young.
His opinion of strangers varies from friendly to reserved. Most are good watchdogs, but not guardians.
Coat care is a big responsibility when you own a Springer. Especially an individual from show lines, since these dogs tend to have heavy coats with lots of feathering. Just think of all the mats and tangles that can form! You ward those off by catching them early, with weekly brushing and combing. Every couple of months, you (or a groomer) need to trim and clip the coat to keep it neat and sanitary.
Springers usually do well with children if they are brought up with them from puppyhood. Older Springers who are unfamiliar with children may do best in a home with children who are mature enough to interact with them appropriately.
Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children to prevent any biting or ear or tail pulling on the part of either party. Teach your child never to approach any dog while he's eating or to try to take the dog's food away. No dog should ever be left unsupervised with a child.
Springers are also generally good with other pets in the household, even small ones, but they might see pet birds as prey since those are what they are bred to hunt. Keep them separated so they don't hurt each other. A parrot's beak is a mighty weapon.
Mark Anthony
I have had my 8 week old Springer for a week now. he is learning very fast, got him potty trained in 3 days, by constantly walking him to the back door, now he does it himself. He either goes straight out if the door is open, but stands by the back door and yaps when it is shut. He is very social, both around adults and small children, my Grandchildren have been hugging and petting him with no problems, he likes their shoe laces and zippers on coats . Just started leash training around the house for when he is able to go out in 3 weeks (he needs his 2nd injections yet). he is going to be a pet, but will also learn skills "out in the field" as I do a lot of hill walking and camping in a tent in the local forests. First time I have had a puppy, as my old Springer (30 years ago) was an older dog when he came to me as I re-homed him with me from a pound, no one wanted him as he was older, but I took a shine to him and he was my best buddy for a few years.
snotie007 bits
Springer rage happens if you bad genes get from a good breeder you fine
The vast majority of English Springer Spaniels are calm, even-tempered, and gentle. They are sociable, outstanding with children, and intelligent. They are playful, quick to learn, and they are obedient and responsive to commands. They are courageous and cheerful, and they love to wag their tails. This breed generally loves everyone, and they are happiest when they are spending the majority of their time in the company of people. If neglected or confined, this breed can become bored and mischievous. Because they love water so much, they enjoy getting wet and muddy. With the exception of birds, the English Springer Spaniel is usually good with other dogs and animals. They are sometimes aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex. As with other popular dog breeds, subtleties in temperament will vary from specimen to specimen.
The English Springer Spaniel is the founder of all English hunting spaniel breeds. Throughout the Renaissance, these dogs were considered to be the hunting companion of choice by the Europeans. The extreme popularity of this breed started in 1700. The English Springer Spaniel acquired its name from the process by which it flushes game- they are known to “spring” forward to drive birds away from their hiding places. In addition to being a top-notch hunter, this breed is also an outstanding retriever. The English Springer Spaniel has a number of natural abilities including hunting, retrieving, tracking, competitive obedience, watching, agility, and trick-performing
The English Springer Spaniel is content to live in a small household or apartment if it receives plenty of daily exercise. This breed is adjustable and is able to adapt to life in the city. They are comparatively inactive indoors, and they are happiest with at least an average-sized yard. The English Springer Spaniel will happily accept any amount of physical activity that is offered by its owner(s). They enjoy going for long walks and they love to swim and retrieve. This breed needs a lot of exercise to stay mentally and physically fit.
The English Springer Spaniel is a breed of gun dog in the Spaniel family. The Springer’s long ears, soft expression and happy disposition clearly show him to be a member of the ancient family of spaniels. Bred to work closely with humans, Springers are highly trainable people-pleasers. Springers are good with kids and their fellow mammals.
I've had 2 both super easier to train. One was an avid hunting dog (birds only) and the other was a trained service dog. They are stubborn but I got one as a rescue at a bit over a year and became a mighty hunter and one from 13 weeks he became a service dog but also did agility and retrieving ducks. From my experience they do not like to be left alone for long periods especially as they age. If I didnt have a foster fail I would have gotten another and plan to in the future they are my favorite breed.
I have had three springers, my last two being Flyball dogs. They absolutely have to have a job. No doubt. They are bred to be hunting dogs and they have very high prey drive and you will not train that out of them.
That being said, I have found them all to be very trainable. They are smart and bred to make decisions — hence the hunt and retrieve. Seriously, my dogs know how to open doors and generally get at whatever they want. Not much stops them, except significant training. I have a baby gate that they know they are never ever allowed to jump over. They absolutely respect that, but I have seen them do just about everything else to get around the gate. They are very loyal, but my youngest can easily clear a 4 foot jump. I have had to teach her to respect boundaries. It wouldn’t take much for her to jump over a 6 foot fence...
They are great and active dogs, and I have dabbled in agility and dock diving with them. (Flyball just happens to be my favorite). I think they are great for training for dog sports. My next puppy will probably be another field Springer spaniel, and I will no doubt be doing more dog sports.
My favorite is that they are loyal and Velcro dogs. I always have an audience, and a cuddle buddy. They are great dogs, just a little crazy/drivey.
Hope that helps!!!
Edit to add: there is bench and field varieties. My two dog sport competing dogs are field, my first was bench. Field varieties tend to be higher in energy. My next will likely be a field Springer, as they have the drive I am looking for.
On my second springer, both females. We did beginner and intermediate obedience with our current girl no problem. In fact, she was the only dog that graduated in her beginner class (but I didn’t tell her that so she won’t get a big head). I did some basic agility training in our backyard with her on my own and she picked it up quickly.
I second the other posters who stress the need for them to be active or have a “job.” We run with ours (longest distance she’s done is 12 miles) and it keeps her happy.
And the puddle thing. These are water dogs for sure!
I’ve had four springer spaniels in my lifetime and they all have been different but one thing they all had in common was energy. We had one we used to snowmobile with and he would chase us for miles and miles. Same thing with the most recent one and boating. And they all have loved to swim! If you are a person who can expose them to different seasons and experiences from early on...they would thrive with you. That being said, just because they have high energy doesn’t mean they are hard to train. Quite the opposite considering they are so spunky. They truly are a breed that aims to please in my experience.
Positive reviews
Strawberry Shrtcke
I've had my English Springer Spaniel, Lexie for 15 years now, she's honestly one of the best dogs I've ever had the pleasure to know/be with. She's very intune with my father's emotions (he's retired navy) and overall is a good girl, playful, healthy and always smiling. Somethings I heard in your review didn't make sense to me. We've also recently gotten a puppy,who is now almost a year old, he's a Saint Bernard,Great Pyrenees mix,also a huge sweetheart. Lexie didn't really react badly to him, she was just confused and a bit annoyed for about a week, but never territorial. Although, all dogs, even the same breed are unique in their own way. Just thought I'd share my experience!
I have a 3 year old Springer. I’m 27 years old and grew up duck hunting. But always with labs. I turned 24 had a little change in my pocket and wanted to change it up. So I found a breed and bought a male springer. By God if that isn’t the best damn hunting dog I’ve ever owned. He was a bit stubborn when it came to sitting and waiting for the duck to be killed. But after 5 days of teaching him to wait, he was a pro. Easier to train, smarter, better looking, and more drive than any lab I’ve hunted with.
One thing though. I don’t know if it’s just my Dakota but he has to constantly be stimulated. He can’t just sit around. He has to be doing something or have something in his mouth. He won’t go to sleep unless I lay down in my bed and turn the lights off. He’s on right leg every step I take. And I mean EVERYWHERE. The guy will jump into the shower with me if I do not shut the door. But I love my buddy. Wouldn’t trade him in for anything.